Excellence · Compassion · Respect · Sustainability · Equity

Practice Plus

Services we provide

At Kauri HealthCare we provide a wide range of health and wellbeing services. These are set out below. They can all be accessed by telephoning the Kauri HealthCare reception team:

Call 06 357 4424

Kauri HealthCare Key Services:

General Health Services

  • Child immunisations from 6 weeks of age
  • Other vaccinations (eg. flu, COVID)
  • Cervical smears
  • Bladder infections
  • Wart removal
  • Blood pressure
  • Medical examinations for work, insurance, or a driver’s licence
  • Health coach
  • Dressing changes
  • Cardiovascular risk assessment
  • Sexual and reproductive health, including Long Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC)
  • Asthma checks and spirometry
  • Electrocardiography (ECGs)

These specialist services are available on site

  • Blood collection service
  • Skin clinic
  • Minor surgery
  • Elder health
  • Physiotherapy
  • Vein clinic
  • Life Unlimited hearing clinic
  • Gastroenterology clinic
  • District nursing service
  • Smoking cessation clinic
  • Child health asthma and eczema clinic
  • Clinical pharmacy
  • Cardiology clinic
  • Mātanga Whai Ora
  • Dr Louise Reiche, private dermatology clinic
  • IV infusion clinic

Services for people with long term conditions

  • Annual reviews for people with diabetes
  • Comprehensive health assessments
  • Group sessions for people with prediabetes
  • Winter wellness plans for people with chronic chest problems
  • Insulin starts for people with diabetes

Health Sleep Clinic for these issues

  • Sleeping at the wrong time of day, so unable to sleep at night
  • Disturbed sleep following overseas travel
  • Primary insomnia – problems going to sleep or saying asleep
  • Waking up feeling tired and unrefreshed
  • Daytime fatigue from poor sleep
  • Paediatric sleep problems
  • Chronic insomnia
  • Restless legs
  • Parasomnias – sleep walking and sleep talking
  • Shift work
  • Snoring
  • Help to stop benzodiazepines and other sleep medications

How to access care:

We do not provide emergency care. If you need emergency medical care, call 111 or go to the Emergency Department at Palmerston North Hospital.

Getting care by email, phone or video consultation

We try to help people without asking them to come into a clinic. If we can meet your needs by email, phone or video, we will try to do so. This is convenient for patients. It also helps us prioritise, so everyone gets the service they need.

You can email your health professional through MyIndici, the patient portal.

You can book a phone consultation by calling the Kauri HealthCare reception team.

General advice and information on health matters is available from HealthLine on 0800 611 116 or their website.

You can also access lots of useful information through Healthify.

Making an appointment

Acute care

If you need health care today, tomorrow or in the next few weeks, call the Kauri HealthCare reception team on (06) 357 4424.

They will help you get the care you need. You should phone as early in the day as you can. You will talk to a doctor or nurse who will work out your needs and come up with a plan.

Routine care

If you know you need regular appointments, it’s a good idea to book them early. You can book appointments between 6 and 8 weeks in advance through MyIndici, the patient portal.

If there are no suitable appointments on MyIndici you should call the Kauri HealthCare reception team.

Face to face consultations

A standard face to face appointment is 15 minutes, but this depends on which health
professional you are seeing.

Sometimes, you might need a longer appointment. This might be because you need a medical examination for work, insurance, or a driver’s licence. You should ask the reception team if you think you might need a longer appointment.

We will send you a text reminder the day before your appointment.

If you can’t make your appointment, please let us know so we can use the slot for someone else. If you don’t advise us, there may be a charge.

Infection control

To prevent cross infection, we ask patients with respiratory symptoms (such as cold and flu) to wait in a separate area. We will tell you what to do when you arrive.

If you have been in contact with an infectious disease such as chicken pox, school sores, measles, influenza or COVID, you should contact Kauri HealthCare by telephone before you arrive in person.

We will tell you what to do when you arrive.

Getting your repeat prescription

Using MyIndici is the best way to get a repeat prescription. When you use MyIndici, you can tick the box for the medicines you want and you can direct your prescription to your preferred pharmacy.

You can also phone us for a repeat prescription. You should have the names of your medicines handy. We may charge more for phone prescriptions because of the additional staff time they take.  It is cheaper to order your prescription through the portal

Routine prescriptions take two working days to process.

If you need a prescription urgently, you can order a same-day prescription in the morning, and it will be ready by 4:00pm. There is an additional charge for urgent prescriptions.

We send your prescription to a pharmacy. We do not charge you for this, but you should check if the pharmacy has a charge for receiving the prescription.

There is a pharmacy at Kauri HealthCare, Unichem Kauri. Its opening hours are 8:30am to 5:30pm, Monday to Friday.

Getting your results from a procedure

You can use MyIndici to get your results from a procedure, like a lab test. We will email you to let you know your results have been posted on MyIndici.

If you are not on MyIndici, we will only contact you if there is an abnormal result.

We will only advise results for tests their Kauri Healthcare staff have ordered. Test results for any tests ordered by anyone who is not at Kauri Healthcare must be given by the organisation who ordered the tests originally. So you would need to contact the ordering organisation directly for the result.

On-Site Services

Unichem Kauri HealthCare Pharmacy

Tel: (06) 354 4084
Fax: (06) 354 4085

Email: disp@kaurihcp.co.nz

Monday 8:30am – 5:30pm
Tuesday 8:30am – 5:30pm
Wednesday 8:30am – 5:30pm
Thursday 8:30am – 5:30pm
Friday 8:30am – 5:30pm

Blood Collection Service

Any patients who need a lab test can have this done at Kauri Healthcare.

This service is available Monday – Friday from 8am – 4.15pm

Kauri Physio

Kauri Physio are a team of friendly and experienced Physiotherapists who are able to take care of you and your injuries.

We also offer advice on long term management of your injury, self-management skills, and injury prevention for the future. 

Louise Reiche Dermatology


Areas of Special Interest: 

  • General dermatology;
  • High risk mole & skin cancer monitoring;
  • Skin allergies (patch testing)

Your Way Kia Roha Hearing Therapy

To book hearing appointment:

Call 0800 008 011
E: info@yourwaykiaroha.nz

TOAM Smoking Cessation Support

Age Groups: Youth, Adult, Older adult

Call: 0800 40 50 11 or
email: toam@tewakahuia.org.nz.

Additional Information